Ihr Gastgeber

Regeneration by the F.X. Mayr health cure
Massages with essential oils, aromatic herbal teas, little morning walks and extensive resting time – the Mayr health cure for detoxication and purification at Landhaus Florian is a really enjoyable.
In the idyllic surroundings of Züschen you have the time and leisure to regenerate your body radically and under medical supervision. As a pleasant side effect your excess pounds will drop.
A special Epsom salt, enriched with lemon if you wish, will boost your digestion right after you get up. During the day guests will follow a bland diet consisting of delicious spelt flatbread, creamy yogurt, basic vegetable soups and teas made of freshly brewed herbs. Moderate activity and liver packs round the whole programme off.
Along with our graduated Mayr physician an alternative practitioner will support the health cure: both will come directly to the house.
After a diverse treatment day the guests will go to bed early - and sleep just like a baby.
Not only our Mayr health cure guests can enjoy pleasant treatments such as foot reflexology, back massages and relaxing massages: all other guests can book these treatments as well.

Make a healthy decision!

Angelika Kleinsorge

Für wen es sich lohnt

For everyone who wants to be healthy, slim and beautiful.
Make a healthy decision!

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